Jes Rowing At Home Day
Jul 07, 2019Where ex-rowers & friends can get back out on the water. Sun July 7, 2-6pm

Due to weather conditions, affecting the Rowing calendar, the Jes Rowing Club at Home Day will now be held on Sunday 7th July (a week later than originally planned) with rowing available to all from 2.00pm to 6.00pm.
Beginners and those wishing to try out rowing for the first time will row in wide tourboats, with experienced rowers and coxes. More experienced former rowers will be in eights.
It is intended to bless and name our new Pair/Double Scull at 3.30pm. The boat will be named after the late Kennedy O' Brien SJ our former rower, coach and mentor.
It promises to be a very relaxed and enjoyable day, with former rowers taking to the water again and many parents gaining a newfound respect for their children's rowing abilities, learning first-hand just how difficult but enjoyable it is.