Athlone Regatta

Jun 15, 2024

Athlone regatta was held, as usual, at Coosan Point, where the weather was warm and sunny for the most part - even though there were some ominous dark clouds we were spared rain, apart from a few very light and short-lived showers. There were a large number of clubs at the event, with colourful club tents dotted everywhere, and almost every available piece of space filled with trailers, racing shells, and oars. This well-run regatta ran on time for the entire day and Athlone Boat Club provided an excellent food tent for the masses of rowers, coaches, volunteers, and spectators.

There was an early win for the WJ14 coxed quad of Sophie Ryder (Stroke), Lola-Mae McCormack, Rose Barrett-Gibbon, Áine Loughrey (bow), and Matthey McGuire (cox), pictured below. Later in the day, Eoghan O'Connell and Aidan Clarke won in the J15 coxless double category, followed by a win for the CIRC MJ15 coxed quad, crewed by Eoin O'Connell, Leon Hume, Aidan Clarke, Jim Hearne, and Lughaidh O'Donnell (cox), pictured above.

While there were many near misses and close second places, we unfortunately cannot report on them, as the regatta results, which usually jog this reporter's memory, are not available for public viewing (2 weeks after the event took place) and seem not to have been provided to Rowing Ireland, who would normally publish all regatta results online.

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